What Are Your Dental Health Goals?

Laser Dental Wellness Center wants to to everything we can to help you achieve your dental health goals, no matter what treatment may be needed. We move at a pace you establish, recommending whatever treatment priorities there may be along the way.

Through our wide range of holistic, health-preserving dental services, we can perform a wide array of procedures and therapies to help you get your oral health back on track.

With our comprehensive diagnostic services, we can find tiny irregularities before they become larger problems. We can assess a patient's sensitivities and allergies to different materials using the Clifford testing protocols. We have the ability to measure voltages in the mouth generated by mixed-metal restorations mixing with saliva.

We can safely remove mercury amalgam fillings, and re-treat old root canals with newer, healthier compounds and materials. We can restore teeth to their original beauty and appearance while using healthy, non-toxic materials. These are just a few of the things we may be able to accomplish for you.

It is our mission to travel with you on your health journey, helping you to arrive at your "dental destination" while providing you with the best, most complete, hi-tech, holistic treatments available anywhere. We can't emphasize enough that our practice recognizes the direct connection between oral health and whole-body health, and everything we do reflects that.

Let us help you attain the dental health you've always wanted with our kinder, gentler approach to dentistry. We think you will be glad you did.

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CLICK HERE to learn more about the Cavilase Laser Dental Filling Procedure--
A better, more comfortable and healthier way to fill teeth!

Explore a better, healthier alternative to a standard root canal procedure!

CLICK HERE to find out about our Laser Nerve Treatment, a way to avoid root canals!